Message from the Executive Headteacher: Parental Consultation On Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Dear Parents/Carers,
Following guidance from the DFE, we are required to incorporate RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) into our curriculum.
At Castlefort JMI Primary school, we offer a Relationships Education in line with statutory guidance. As a school, and in agreement with the Local School Committee, we have agreed to teach the elements of human and animal reproduction outlined in the Primary Science curriculum. While 'Sex Education' is not compulsory in primary schools, the DfE guidance highlights its importance as part of older pupils’ transition from primary to secondary school.
The aim of our ‘Relationships Education’ is to equip children with the information they need to prepare for adult life. Our teaching of relationships education is embedded within our Coram Scarf curriculum that we already use in school. Our goal is for the children to leave Castlefort JMI knowing the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online. They will develop the skills to not only form relationships but to think about relationships with others and recognise when these relationships are positive.
Primary ‘sex education’ will only be taught at Castlefort JMI in the final term of Year 6 and will focus on:
To ensure that our curriculum includes both statutory guidance, as well as the needs’ of our school, we are consulting parents on our RSE Policy. We welcome your feedback and comments to help inform our school’s decisions on when and how certain content is covered and enable us to reach a general consensus.
To help you to understand the requirements we need to meet, please look at our documents found below:
When you have had a chance to look at the documents we ask that you utilise the feedback form below to provide any feedback you may have. These comments will help us to inform any potential changes to the policy moving forwards.
Following the consultation with parents, we will update our curriculum, taking into consideration feedback from parents along with feedback from staff/Local School Committee. Once our Local School Committee have agreed with all aspects with our curriculum, we will share the finalised policy with you on our website and will implement our curriculum.
This consultation period will end on Friday 20th December and therefore, all feedback will be required on or before this date.
Yours sincerely
Mrs J Wilson
Executive Headteacher
The RSE Consultation has now closed.