
Castlefort Junior Mixed and Infant School

Inspiring Bright Futures Together

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing Provision at Castlefort


Mrs Simcox heads up our strategy for developing good mental health and emotional well-being, not just for the children, but also for all adults in school and parents/carers in our whole-school community. Take a look at some of our key initiatives:


  • The 'zones of regulation' (strategies using the 'Inside Out' characters): encouraging children to regulate their own feelings and emotions before seeking further help from staff in school.


  • Use of our brand new sensory garden - a calming space for children to unwind, calm down and channel positive thoughts and feelings. It could be to enjoy gardening, have a chat with a friend or even read a good book. Our mindfulness colouring activities also take place here, led by our 'Well-being Champions'.

  • Our reviewed PSHE curriculum ensures that pupils access learning linked to mental health and emotional well-being topics.

  • Worry boxes in all classrooms allow children to share any worries or anxieties they may be having without having to verbalise them. These are checked regularly through the school day.

  • 'Well-being Champions': a team of kind and caring children who strive to make all children feel safe and included at break and lunch times. These children are easily recognisable around our school with their bright yellow lanyards. They have all received training in our 'SMILE' strategy to enable them to support children who feel 'unhappy' during unstructured times of the school day.


Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being Awards for Schools


We are exceptionally proud to have achieved the Mental Health and Emotional Well Being award for schools. Thank you for your suggestions, evaluations and participation in all of the events we have organised relating to raising awareness of mental health and emotional well-being amongst our whole-school community. So far, we've made a real difference in our approach to this important area of development and will strive to keep improving the quality of our provision.


Mental Health First Aid


Mrs. Simcox is now a trained mental health first aider and is on hand to support and guide staff or parents to the appropriate support from outside agencies should they be concerned about their own or another adult's mental health or wellbeing. There is so much out there to support anyone who may be finding things difficult at the moment and Mrs. Simcox is always available to listen and guide you to the appropriate facilities. When we support each other, that is one step in the right direction to a happier and healthier lifestyle.


Our Mental Health Strategy

Any concerns or questions?

If you feel you would like to learn more about how you could support your child's emotional health and wellbeing at home, Mrs. Simcox is more than happy to help. She is in school on a Monday to Thursday and welcomes any ideas parents may have regarding the provision of workshops or support sessions for parents of children in our school. Please speak to her for more information.


Useful resources and websites for children to support their emotional well-being:





Useful links and documents for parents and carers:


