Curriculum Impact
The curriculum at Castlefort is designed and implemented to promote high levels of engagement and achievement for every pupil. We aim for all pupils to grow as learners, become independent and be resilient to cope with the challenges they encounter.
Pupils are regularly assessed across the breadth of the curriculum. The termly cycle of monitoring and assessment provides data which can be analysed to plan for next steps in learning – this may include the need for additional support/interventions. Teachers meet with the senior leadership team each term to discuss and review each pupil’s progress.
Assessment is continuous and informs planning with a range of assessment strategies used. This is a data-rich school where data is interpreted and used effectively to personalise individual’s learning opportunities. Pupil progress meetings ensure that pupil progress is maintained and that any interventions are timely and appropriate to the individual’s needs. This data gives a picture of strengths and weakness for individuals and this information is used to inform future planning, learning and teaching (Basic Skills Quality Mark).
The outcomes our pupils achieve (all phases) are testament the positive impact the curriculum has on achievement. A culture of ‘high expectations’ permeates through the school and this has led to successful learning and performance. Further information can be found through the ‘OFSTED’ and ‘School Performance Tables’ links on our website.
Castlefort places great value on the role of parents and carers in the education of their children:
The school places an emphasis on establishing positive relationships with parents/carers, working in partnership, sharing knowledge and experience to contribute to the shared view of a child’s needs and the best ways of supporting them. The school believes that strong links between parents and school can only benefit the child as they see the two working together for their benefit. They believe pupils at all levels of ability achieve to a greater extent when they know that everyone is concerned and willing to support them (EYFS/Basic Skills Quality Mark).