
Castlefort Junior Mixed and Infant School

Inspiring Bright Futures Together

School Lunches

Freshly cooked meals are available from the school kitchen. They cost £2.20 per meal. Fresh drinking water is provided in the lunch hall for all children to access. Pupils are provided with a choice of healthy balanced meals every day, including vegetarian options. Pupils who prefer to bring a packed lunch may do so, but we ask parents to encourage their children to bring a healthy selection of foods. Pupils are rewarded for making healthy choices for their school lunch.


Snacks : Most adults and children enjoy a snack as part of their break times. All pupils in Nursery, Reception and KS1 receive a piece of fresh fruit, free of charge, at break time. Older pupils may bring in snacks from home but we would ask that snacks remain healthy and parents/ carers avoid items such as crisps and chocolate which contain high levels of sugar and fat.


We also offer a daily ‘healthy tuck shop’ to pupils in KS1 and KS2 selling hot toast. Cost for this is £1.20 per week.


Filtered water : All of our classrooms are now adapted to give pupils a constant supply of filtered water. 


Exercise : We try to provide a wide range of physical activities for our children either as part of the curriculum or as extra-curricular activities.


All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are now entitled to a free school meal each day as part of the Government’s ‘Universal Infant Free School Meals’ offer. 

Click below to view our summer menu...
