
Castlefort Junior Mixed and Infant School

Inspiring Bright Futures Together

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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Catch-up Premium Financial Planning


Summary information






Castlefort JMI School




Academic Year


Total Catch-Up Premium


Number of pupils




Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be the most affected. The impact of lost time in education will be substantial and our response must match the scale of the challenge.


School’s allocations will be calculated on a per pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil in years Reception through to Year 11.


As the catch-up premium has been designed to mitigate the effects of the unique disruption caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), the grant will only be available for the 2020 to 2021 academic year. It will not be added to school’s baselines in calculating future year’s funding allocations.


Use of Funds

EEF Recommendations


Schools should use this funding for specific activities to support their pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for the next academic year.

Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances.

To support schools to make the best use of this funding, the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has published a coronavirus (COVID-19) support guide for schools with evidence-based approaches to catch up for all pupils. Schools should use this document to help them direct their additional funding in the most effective way.




The EEF advises the following:


Teaching and whole school strategies 

Supporting great teaching

Pupil assessment and feedback 

Transition support


Targeted approaches 

One to one and small group tuition 

Intervention programmes 

Extended school time


Wider strategies 

Supporting parent and carers 

Access to technology 

Summer support


Identified impact of lockdown




Specific content has been missed, especially in early reading and phonics, communication and language and the development of personal, social and emotional skills.  




Specific content has been missed, leading to gaps in learning and stalled sequencing of journeys. Pupils continue to show a positive attitude towards learning in mathematics but they are less confident and secure and high numbers are not attaining at age-related expectations due to the extended periods of time off school. Basic skills have suffered – pupils are not able to recall addition facts, times tables and have forgotten some of the calculation strategies previously taught. This is evident in arithmetic assessments. Mathematic assessments show that pupils have gaps in learning across a range of different areas in mathematics and this has impacted on their reasoning and problem-solving abilities.





Pupils have missed some genres and the opportunity to practise and develop their writing skills. It’s also evident that there are some significant gaps in their GPS knowledge. All of this has had an impact on fluency, technical accuracy and ability to compose and write with good effect. Teachers can see that pupils are unable to write at the same standard and also to produce the amount they would have done previously – they lack stamina and motivation to write. Handwriting, spelling and use of vocabulary are also key priorities for improvement with all pupils.




Pupils accessed reading during lockdown more than any other subject. This is something that was more accessible for families and required less teacher input. However, pupils are less fluent in their reading and the gap between those who read widely and those who didn’t is now increasingly wide. The bottom 20% of readers have been disproportionately disadvantaged due to lack of encouragement and support with reading at home.



Other subjects e.g. science, history and geography.


There are now significant gaps in knowledge – whole units of work have not been accessed meaning that pupils are less able to access pre-requisite knowledge and skills when learning something new and they are therefore less likely to make connections between concepts and themes across the curriculum. Pupils have also missed out on the curriculum experiences e.g. trips, visitors and engaging curriculum opportunities.




Planned expenditure - The headings below are grouped into the categories outlined in the Education Endowment Foundation’s coronavirus support guide for schools)

i. Teaching and whole-school strategies

Desired outcome

Chosen approach and anticipated cost

Impact (once reviewed)

Staff lead

Review date?

Supporting quality first teaching:


Staff CPD focused on how children learn and remember in order for knowledge to be taught and retained alongside new learning.  Consideration of how gaps will be reduced and whole-school approaches to be agreed.



Staff training led by SLT – review and agree approaches. Staff to ensure secure subject knowledge across all curriculum areas for their year groups and explore preceding curriculum to be in a position to address gaps in knowledge and skills.


No cost – INSET time


EEF intended impact +4 months




Jul 21

Targeted EYFS support


To improve the communication and language skills of children in EYFS.


Talk Boost intervention programme – Nursery

Wellcomm - Reception


PPG Budget £7,800.00

EEF EYFS intended impact +5 months

EEF Oral language intended impact +5 months



MS -Nurs

Jul 21

Targeted intervention planning


Accelerated pupil progress due to careful analysis and specific objective-led interventions planned for SLT (inc SENDCo) and class teachers.




Release time for class teachers to meet with SLT to analyse data, plan and resource targeted interventions for their pupils. Time allocated up to 2 hours per term.


School Budget £1,200.00


EEF intended impact +4 months




teaching staff

Jul 21

Personalised online mathematics programme


To accelerate the progress and raise attainment of all pupils in mathematics.




All pupils will have online access to Doodle Maths – a personalised online mathematics programme.


PPG Budget £1,254.00


EEF intended impact +6 months


MF-Maths Lead


teaching staff

Jul 21

Targeted intervention using digital resources


Pupils will be able to access additional interventions through ICT equipment and subscription to learning Apps in school e.g. TT Rockstars, Spelling Shed, Nessy, Oxford Reading Buddy etc.




All pupils will have access to a range of online learning APPs to support learning in school and at home.


 School Budget £1,055.40

EEF intended impact +4 months




Jul 21




     ii.      Targeted approaches





Desired outcome

Chosen approach and anticipated cost

Impact (once reviewed)

Staff lead

Review date?

Targeted 1-to-1 and small groups work


To provide additional funding for 1-to-1 and small group tuition in mathematics for Y6 pupils at risk of not reaching the expected standard in mathematics on the end of KS2 tests.


Gillian Locke (DHT) to teach tailored mathematics programmes to individual pupils and small groups from Y6 each Thursday.

£150.00 x 15 days = £2,250.00

EEF intended impact +4 months





May 21

Targeted 1-to-1 and small groups work


To provide additional funding for 1-to-1 and small group tuition in reading, writing and mathematics for Y2 and Y5 pupils identified as making slow progress and not attaining at are.


Gillian Locke (DHT) and Amanda Jeffery to provide tutoring programmes to selected individual and small groups in Y2 and Y5.

£150.00 x 10 days x 2 staff = £3,0000.00

EEF intended impact +4 months





AJ-Y2 teacher

Jul 21

Targeted 1-to-1 and small groups work


After-school catch-up/intervention sessions for identified pupils from each year group Rec-Y6.


Class teachers (Rec to Y6) and DHTs/HT to provide 45 minute weekly catch-up/intervention sessions (after school) for identified pupils from each year group, Rec-Y6.

9 staff x 12 weeks

£225.00 (9 x £25/hour) x 12 weeks = £2,700.00 *includes 15 minutes planning time for staff

EEF intended impact +4 months


All teachers

May 21

Targeted 1-to-1 and small groups work


RWI catch-up/intervention sessions for individual pupils and small groups from Rec-Y3, with a key focus on Y2 pupils this term in preparation for their phonics screening in Dec 2020.


Teaching assistants (EB, JA and SB) to provide 10 hours each week.

3 staff x 12 weeks

£300.00 (£10.00 per hour x 10 hours x 3 staff) x 12 weeks = £3,600.00

EEF intended impact +4 months


All teachers

Dec 21

Targeted 1-to-1 and small groups work


Identified pupils develop improved communication skills – speech and language.




Chatterbox Speech and Language services to provide language screening, interventions and staff CPD across EYFS and KS1.



EEF Oral language intended impact +5 months



Dec 21



     iii.      Wider Strategies




Desired outcome

Chosen approach and anticipated cost

Impact (once reviewed)

Staff lead

Review date?

After-school outdoor learning/sports and fun sessions for all pupils Rec-Y6 to aid mental, emotional, social and physical development.

Class teachers (Rec to Y6) to provide 45 minute weekly sessions (after school) for identified pupils for all pupils.

7 staff x 12 weeks

£175.00 (7 x £25/hour) x 10 weeks


EEF intended impact +4 months


All teachers

Jul 21

All pupils will have access to appropriate resources in the event of the need for home/remote learning.



Chrome Books to aid online learning.


CGP works books and stationery packs/equipment to support pencil/paper based learning.


Stationary packs are to be purchased and set aside for children to take home when home-learning occurs.




Jul 21

Families with an identified need to receive additional support from school where required.


Support provided to pupils and families by SLT and school office staff.


Direct work with pupils who have identified emotional or mental health needs e.g. wishes and feelings, positive play nurture programme etc.


Food parcels and food bank vouchers offered to most vulnerable families – school will work in conjunction with The Life Church in Lichfield, Help to Make Tummies Full Charity and local foodbanks.


Signposting to other agencies e.g. CAB, whg, school nursing team etc.


Safe and well checks during school holidays inc KIT referrals via Early Help.

PPG Budget £5,000.00

The basic needs of all pupils are being met.

Parents are supported and guided to the ‘right help at the right time’.

SLT and office staff

Jul 21



Total budgeted cost




Cost paid through Covid Catch-Up




Cost paid through school budget




Cost paid through PPG






