The Castlefort classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and visualisers to enhance the children’s day-to-day learning. Pupils have access to laptops, Chrome books and iPads for research, projects and computing lessons. Our computing curriculum (Teach Computing) equips pupils with the foundation skills, knowledge and understanding of computing that they will need for the future. They learn how computers and computer systems work, how to design and build programs, develop their ideas using technology and how to create a range of content.

Online Safety is also very important to us at Castlefort. Pupils learn about Online Safety through 'Project Evolve' lessons, assemblies, role-play and discussion alongside ICT-usage in lessons. Pupils also participate in Safer Internet day each year.
How can I keep my child safe online?
Top Tips!
- Be knowledgeable and aware. When children are playing an online game - especially one that involves an open forum - ensure your child is appropriately dressed and in a suitable, shared space in the home so you are aware of their online activity.
- Set time limits for screen time. Although the online world is increasingly used for learning, it is vital to ensure you as the parent are in control of how long your child is looking at a computer screen. Too much screen time can be detrimental to a child's mental health. It is much easier to set this limit before they start using the device. Encourage your child to take regular breaks to exercise and keep physically active.
- Check age ratings. Use PEGI ratings and user reviews to check the suitability of a game or website before allowing your child to use or play it. The Common Sense Media website is an easy way to check age ratings and suitability. Common Sense Media: Age-Based Media Reviews for Families
How can I support my child?
Top Tips!
- Remind your child to only communicate online with REAL LIFE friends.
- Remind your child to #bekind online. Talk about how the words they use online can either hurt or uplift someone, just like in real life.
- Remind your child to keep personal information private. Discuss examples of personal information and explain the importance of not sharing it online.
If you have a concern about online content, the way a user is communicating with your child/you or about another child's online usage, click on the 'report to CEOP' button on the home page of the website to report it.
For more information about reporting concerns, follow the link below.
Below are some websites which can provide further information for parents about keeping safe online.
If you want further information about the curriculum content your child is covering please call the school office to arrange an appointment to see the subject leader.