
Castlefort Junior Mixed and Infant School

Inspiring Bright Futures Together

Year 1


                                 Year 1 Teacher

                                  Miss Portman



                            Year 1 Support Staff

       Mrs Hartshorne                              Mrs Brady 

    Teaching Assistant                     Teaching Assistant


We enjoy our Creative Curriculum topics each half term.

Our topics are:


Autumn 1 Dinosaur Planet
Autumn 2Where do I live?
Spring 1Big Lights, Big City
Spring 2Weather Experts and Habitats
Summer 1 Memory Box
Summer 2Oceans and Seas


Dinosaur Planet is our first history topic in Year one. What will Year one be learning?

  • Where dinosaurs lived.

  • Map work- to locate their countries of origin.

  • How the world’s landscape has changed since the dinosaurs.

  • How and why the dinosaurs became extinct.

  • What dinosaurs looked like and their diets.

  • What are fossils linking to Mary Anning.



Where do I live? This is our second topic in Year one. What will Year one be learning?

  • Listening and reading adventure Stories such as In every house in every street, Beegu, Home is where the heart is, Our tower and The Comet. 
  • Creating a lost poster for Beegu. 
  • Family profiles- Children will be able to write descriptions of  their own families. 


Big Picture Map in process. 



Big lights, Big city- London is our third topic in Year 1. 

  • Adventure stories such as The Royal Baby's Big Red Bus Tour, The King's Hat and Katie in London, If I were a King and Paddington.
  • Have tea and biscuits during our themed London afternoon. This introduces our topic nicely.
  • Make Fire Engines in Design and Technology.
  • Learn about the Great Fire of London on Pudding Lane.
  • Create our own Great Fire of London piece of artwork.
  • Learn about where London is on the map.
  • Children will create a missing poster for the Kings Hat. 



Weather Experts and Habitats is our fourth topic in Year 1. 

  • Read The Big Freeze, Kate who tamed the wind and After the Storm (A Percy Park Keeper tale).
  • Write non-chronological reports about penguins and polar bears. 
  • Create artwork based on The Great Wave by Hokusai.
  • Create rain gauges and measure rainfall over a period of time. 
  • Explore extreme weather, such as floods and tornadoes. 
  • Create and deliver our own weather forecasts. 
  • Learn about seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. 
  • Learn about the six climate zones of the world and which animals live in some of these climates. 
  • Writing facts about the weather. 



Memory Box is our fifth topic in Year 1. Here are some of the things we do!

  • To retell traditional tales and read lots of fairy tales! These include Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs, Billy Goats Gruff, Hansel and Gretel, Snow White and The Gingerbread Man.
  • Making our own sandwiches in Design and Technology.
  • Recreating wallpaper relief artwork inspired by William Morris.
  • Learn about all things old and new including: toys, household items and technology.
  • Explore our own past through family photographs.



Oceans and Seas is our sixth topic in Year 1. 

  • Children will persuade people not to drop litter.
  • Ocean and animal descriptions.
  • Explore the Barrier Reef.
  • Who was Charles Darwin.
  • To use globes and atlases.
  • Design and make our own treasure maps.




    Learning at home.

    In Year 1, we would like your child to learn at home, see below tasks and websites:

    • Reading 4 times a week in return of some Castle Coins.  
    • Practicing their phonics sounds daily.
    • Spelling Shed. 
    • Doodle Maths (your child's login is in their reading record).




    Phonics Play

    Contains a range of phonics games to help them retain their sounds.

    Doodle Maths

    Homework suitable for their age range based on Maths.

    BBC SuperMovers

    Maths and English based videos - The number bonds one is great for Year 1!

    Hit The Button

    Hit The Button has lot's of fun and interactive Maths games to support your child learn their number bonds to 10. Also, if your child would like a challenge they can play number bond games to 20.

