Welcome to Year 2
All of the staff in our class would like to wish you all a warm welcome to Year 2!
Please take a look at the information below to find out more about our learning.
Our Topics!
In Year 2, we have many exciting topics. Our topic changes each half term which are:
Autumn 1 | Turrets, Towers and Tunnels | History Focus |
Autumn 2 | Street Detectives | History Focus |
Spring 1 | Land Ahoy | History/Geography |
Spring 2 | The Journey of Food | Geography Focus |
Summer 1 | Famous for more than five minutes | History Focus |
Summer 2 | Let's go on Safari | Geography Focus |
These are our Big Picture Maps for our topics. These show you what we will be learning about in our topic lessons.
Creative English
We are working hard to be come better writers, this includes the quality of our sentences as well as starting to join our letters with cursive handwriting. We are very lucky to use a selection of quality texts, fiction and non-fiction, in our English lessons. Writing tasks include story retelling, letters, descriptions, recipes and fact files. Below are some of the front covers of the books we will be reading in class.
Our Science Topics
Science is one of our favourite afternoons! We enjoy practical, hands on science and we learn the different areas of science in some exciting topics. Some of our topics are also linked to a Scientist.
Topic Number | Topic Name | Linked Scientist |
1 | Materials: Good Choices | John Boyd Dunlop |
2 | Materials: Shaping Up | |
3 | Take Care (Personal Hygiene) | |
4 | Growing Up | Alfred Wallace |
5 | The Apprentice Gardener | Carl Linnaeus |
6 | What is your Habitat | Jane Goodall |
Don't forget to log on to 'TTRockstars' and 'Spelling Shed'. You can earn castle coins for working on your apps!
Reading at home is crucial so remember to read at least 4 times a week. You will earn castle coins if you read at home!
PE lessons are Monday and Thursday afternoons.
Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit on these days - a white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps. Warm black sweatshirt and jogging bottoms for the winter.
Remember to remove earrings before school.
Useful websites to enhance our classroom learning.
ToGo NoGo Website for Road Safety:
National Geographic kids website:
BBC Newsround: